
Welcome everybody who vivit my website. My name is Gergely Bógyi or most are known Jerry. I have over than 15 years experiences of Tarantula spiders keeping and breeding. During my website I would like to introduce with everybody this hobby what is not too special nowadays. Introduce Tarantula world, habitat, housing condition, or as somebody requested captive breeding possibilities.      

The Tarantula's World is extremely diverse, as residence (underground level, ground level, or tree spiders) as  great color scheme considering. On website could find lot of information what can be usefull regarding tarantula knowledge and even can buy yourself the next pet.

I trust most of you will find the informations you are looking for, and with messages and ideas helping contribute to the improvment of the site.

After these some final information about myself:

  • Qualification: graduate degree in engineering
  • Language skill: hungarian, english
  • Experience with Tarantulas: >15 years
  • Number of Tarantulas: significant